Composition, Conducting and Computer Music
The Institute for Composition, Conducting and Computer Music (IKD) offers a comprehensive education (BA/MA) in current styles and techniques of composition as well as a course of study in Choir direction/Conducting (BA).
The field of Composition follows three directions in its orientation:
- Contemporary/Music theater
- Jazz
- Media composition
The curriculum and faculty offer these directions in a multi-networked way, in order to enable not only specialization in the individual directions but also the imparting of skills at the interfaces between these areas.
In line with the requirements and issues of contemporary music, this is based on a wide range of options for practical application, from the acquisition of technical skills and improvisation to interdisciplinary exchange and a wide range of opportunities (festivals, calls, collaborations). The institute actively collaborates with established in-house institutes such as IDA (Institute for Dance Arts), ACT, JIM (Jazz and Improvised Music) or ITG (Institute for Theory and History) as well as with institutions such as Ars Electronica, the Linz University of Art and numerous concert and performance organizers in the area.
The Master's programme in Postdigital Lutherie (Post-digital Instrument Making), developed and offered in collaboration with the University of Art and Design Linz, offers a platform for implementing musical-instrumental utopias in concrete music performance.
Research projects and scholarly questions from the field can be implemented and completed as part of a PHD.
Composition, Conducting and Computer Music
Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1, 4040 Linz