The program offered by the Institute of Voice and Music Theatre is unique in the university landscape of Central Europe. Numerous studio productions and close cooperation with Upper Austrian cultural institutions and festivals promote stage practice and enable students to make a smooth transition from their studies to their careers. The program takes an open approach to all genres, from the requirements of baroque oratorio literature to the repertoire of contemporary music theatre.

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Artistic Bachelor's Programme Voice (KBA)

Artistic Bachelor's Programme Voice (KBA)

8 semesters / 240 ECTS / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

The artistic Bachelor's programme in Voice focuses on developing a healthy, sustainable and well-managed singing voice in conjunction with proper breathing and physical training. Singers and their development are supported individually, enabling them to flourish as independent, distinctive artists with the broadest possible range of professional prospects.

A wide-ranging study of the literature and the development of an individually tailored, stylistically and emotionally diverse repertoire are taught, as is the ability to interpret independently and contextually.

Due to the open collaboration of the entire vocal department in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes, students work on large-scale song, oratorio and opera projects and perform them at the university and at well-known concert venues in Upper Austria. 

Pedagogical Bachelor's Programme Voice (PBA)

Pedagogical Bachelor's Programme Voice (PBA)

8 semesters / 240 ECTS / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

On the basis of their own professional singing, students will acquire didactic and methodological skills in vocal education. This is achieved through theoretical and practical work with the subject-specific fundamentals of anatomy, physiology, voice hygiene and educational psychology, and by getting to know methodological tools and assessment criteria for individual vocal sound. Of particular importance is reflecting on the close connections between personality, emotionality and voice.

In addition, practical work with students of all ages, differentiated teaching methods and different singing styles contributes to the development of open and highly competent teachers who will enthusiastically meet the diversity of professional challenges.

At the Anton Bruckner University, the artistic and pedagogical degree programmes are based in the same institute, unlike at most other universities. This means that art and pedagogy are closely linked – in a practice-oriented and mutually stimulating way.

Artistic Master's Programme Voice (KMA)

Artistic Master's Programme Voice (KMA)

4 semesters / 120 ECTS / Master of Arts (MA)

The Master's programme in Voice serves to deepen the skills acquired in the Bachelor's programme. The aim of the Voice programme is to train independent artistic personalities with individual means of expression who can succeed as professional singers in various fields (e.g. opera, concert). The program is designed to create the basis for independent artistic work and to contribute to the development and appreciation of the arts through critical engagement with artistic, pedagogical and other scholarly issues. The Master's programme in Voice serves to expand and deepen the qualifications, skills and knowledge acquired in the Bachelor's programme. The development of artistic personality is given even more space through the choice of Master's minor and the main artistic subjects of “Song and Oratorio” and “Scenic Work”.

Possible professional fields for graduates of the Voice programme are in the areas of music theater (soloists and chorus), radio and concert choirs, and the independent concert scene.

Pedagogical Master's Programme Voice (PMA)

Pedagogical Master's Programme Voice (PMA)

4 semesters / 120 ECTS / Master of Arts (MA)

The pedagogical Master's programme in Voice is designed to deepen the skills acquired in the pedagogical Bachelor's programme. It serves to acquire a highly qualified artistic-pedagogical professional education, in particular the further development of skills in singing and in artistic-pedagogical and scholarly aspects. The Master's programme adds to the qualifications acquired in the Bachelor's programme a substantive enrichment in the area of the chosen master minor as well as the associated deepening of skills and knowledge. The aim of the Master's programme is to educate independent artistic-pedagogical personalities with individual specializations. Through critical examination of artistic, pedagogical and other scholarly issues, the programme aims to contribute to the development and appreciation of the arts.


Baehr, Guido

Baehr, Guido

Gesang und Gesangspädagogik

Baehr, Guido

Baehr, Guido

Gesang und Gesangspädagogik

Beranova, Katerina

Beranova, Katerina

ZKF Gesang (Sopran)

Donose, Ruxandra

Donose, Ruxandra

ZKF Gesang (Mezzosopran)

Hennemann, Sigurd

Hennemann, Sigurd


Holzer, Robert

Holzer, Robert

Institutsdirektor für Gesang und Musiktheater / ZKF Oper / Oratorium / Lied

Kaimbacher, Alexander

Kaimbacher, Alexander

ZKF Gesang (Tenor)

Kaltenböck, Stefan

Kinder- und Jugendchorleitung

Kerbl, Thomas

Kerbl, Thomas

ZKF Oper / Oratorium / Lied

Mancini, Elena

Mancini, Elena

Italienische Phonetik

Manz, Christiane

Manz, Christiane

Yoga, Contact Improvisation, Didaktik Bewegung, Körperarbeit, Atemschulung

Pawlik, Peter

Pawlik, Peter

Dramatischer Unterricht

Pop, Marian

Pop, Marian

ZKF Gesang (Bariton)

Schuschan, Sandra

Schuschan, Sandra


Institute of Voice and Music Theatre

about the institute