Dissertation Supervisors

Below you will find information on the available artistic and scholarly primary and secondary supervisors:

Primary artistic supervision

Primary artistic supervision is possible in the following disciplines:

  • Historical performance practice
  • Instrumental performance studies
  • Composition
  • Theory and practice of artistic research
  • Contemporary performance practice
  • Contemporary dance

Primary Supervisors

Primary scholarly supervision

Primary scholarly supervision is possible in the following disciplines:

  • Interpretation Research
  • Cultural Studies in the field of Musicology
  • Musicology
  • Music Education

Primary Supervisors

Secondary supervisors at partner universities

For secondary supervision at the partner universities Paris Lodron (Salzburg), University of Art and Design Linz, Bern University of the Arts (Switzerland) and University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, please select a professor according to your subject area from the list of professors at the respective university. The links will take you to the universities or the corresponding institutes or contact persons.

At our partner institution, Bern University of the Arts (HKB), only scholarly (not artistic) secondary supervision is available. To arrange secondary supervision, please contact Prof. Martin Skamletz, Head of the Institute of Interpretation (martin.skamletztyrhkb.bfhrch).